第44章 流行天后布兰妮的震撼(2/2)

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Go sailing by 经过我的身旁

Ocean deep 深陷海底

I'm so afraid to show my feelings 我多害怕表露我的情感

I have sailed a million ceilings 我已驻足于无数个

Solitary room 独处的空房

Ocean deep 深陷海底

Will I ever find a lover 我是否会找到我的爱人

Maybe she has found another 也许她已找到了她的归属

And as I cry myself to sleep 当我的眼泪浸湿床帏

I know this love of mine I'll keep 我知道我的爱

Ocean Deep 深陷海底

I'm so afraid to show my feelings 我多害怕表露我的情感

(You're the only one I love) 你是我唯一的爱

I have sailed a million ceilings 我已驻足于无数个

(Just can't reveal it) 只是难以说出

Solitary room 孤单的房间

Ocean deep 深陷海底

(maybe maybe) 也许 也许

Will I ever find a lover 我是否会找到我的爱人

(Maybe she has found another) 也许她已有所属

Maybe she has found another 也许她已有所属