第六百九十二章 Super Friend(1/2)

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When life is getting me down(生活令人沮丧)

And the world seems like it's gonna end-ship(世界似乎要毁灭的时刻)

There's at least one power that we both still have(我们至少还剩有一种强大的力量)

And that's the power of...(而那力量便是)


Yeah,that's exactly what I was gonna say.(是的,那就是我想接下去的)

Yeah,it's an easy rhyme.(嗯,这韵脚很简单)

I'm your super friend(我是你的超级朋友)

Your super friend(超级厉害的好朋友)

I'll be there in the nick of time(当你进入困境的时候)

If you're ever in a spot(我会在千钧一发之际赶到)

And if you're not there in time(如果你没赶得及)

You can just go back in time and give it another shot(你只需要穿越时间回到那一刻再给予坏人重击)

I'actually not supposed to do that anymore(其实我不应该再那样做了)



I'm your super friend(我是你的超级朋友)

Super friend(超级厉害的好朋友)

When you need a pliment I can rattle off a dozen(在你需要赞美时,我可以喋喋不休地说上一天)

For instance,I have to say,I'm not impressed.(另外,我必须得说,我对你那更加出名的表弟)
