第103章 实验对象(2/2)
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“Crow, do you know why You Chengzhu failed?(乌鸦,知道尤成竹为什么失败吗?)”费尼特博士道。
“Because he did not do what you instructed him to do.(因为他没有把你们吩咐的事情做好。)”乌鸦道。
“No, because he was too arrogant, he killed himself.(不,因为他太狂妄了,是他自己害死了自己。)”费尼特博士道。
“I understand Mr. Fenit, I won't repeat his mistakes.(我明白了费尼特先生,我不会重蹈他的覆辙。)”乌鸦道。
“Very good!(很好!)”费尼特博士道。
就在费尼特即将带走童乐文和苏沫的时候,乌鸦突然道:“Mr. Fenit, can I handle Tong Lewen and Su Mo?(费尼特先生,童乐文和苏沫能否交给我处置?)”乌鸦问道。
“The US military needs them, you don't need to intervene.(美国军方需要他们,这个你无需插手。)”费尼特博士道。
“May I ask where they will be taken?(那我能问一下他们会被带去哪里吗?)”乌鸦不死心的道。
“This is a military secret, you don't need to know!(这是军事机密,你不需要知道!)”顿了一下费尼特继续道:“You need to remember that we will tell you what you need to know without asking, and even if you ask us what you don't need to know, we won't say it.(你要记住,需要你知道的不用问我们就会告诉你,不需要你知道的就算问,我们也不会说的。)”