第28章 We Don't Talk Anymore(2/2)

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You've been looking for 你一直寻找的另一半

I wish I would have known that wasn't me 我希望我早能明白你要的不是我

'Cause even after all this time I still wonder 因为分开了这么久我却不知为何

Why I can't move on 为何我还无法释怀

Just the way you did so easily 而不是像你那样轻松放手







【晏知:I just hope you're lying next to somebody 我希望能有人陪你身边

Who knows how to love you like me 她能像我那样好好爱你

There must be a good reason that you're gone 你的离开一定有不得已的苦衷

Every now and then I think you 而我时常总会想起你

Might want me to e show up at your door 或许你会希望我出现在你家门口

But I'm just too afraid that I'll be wrong 而我又害怕这只是我的愚蠢想法

Don't wanna know 我不想知道

If you're looking into her eyes 是否你凝视她的双眸

If she's holding onto you so tight the way I did before 是否她也像我从前那样紧握你的手